Meditating in Bed – A Lazy Person’s Paradise?

Meditation has long been praised for its numerous health benefits, from reduced stress and improved focus, to increased self-awareness and better overall mental well-being. But for those of us who struggle to find the motivation to roll out of bed in the morning, the idea of sitting cross-legged on a cushion and “clearing our minds” seems like an insurmountable challenge. However, there’s a solution for the perennially lazy among us – meditating in bed. Is this a lazy person’s paradise or a legitimate practice? Let’s explore the pros and cons of meditating in bed.

The Pros:

Comfort and Convenience: Meditating in bed offers the ultimate comfort and convenience. No need to worry about finding a quiet corner or a dedicated meditation space; your bed is always there, ready to accommodate your lazy desires. (Nobody will even bat an eye if you’re wearing your favorite pajamas!)

Ease of Practice: For beginners, meditating in bed can be a great entry point. The bed provides a familiar and comfortable environment, making it easier to relax and focus. It eliminates the need to worry about maintaining a perfect posture, as the soft surface of the bed offers gentle support to your body.

Increased Morning Routine Consistency: One of the biggest challenges for many people is establishing a consistent morning routine. By incorporating meditation into your bed routine, you can effortlessly make it a part of your daily ritual. This can bring a sense of structure and discipline to your mornings, setting a positive tone for the rest of the day.

The Cons:

Temptation to Snooze: While the comfort of your bed can be a positive, it can also be a double-edged sword. The temptation to hit the snooze button or drift back to sleep during your meditation session is real. It can be all too easy to forego the practice altogether and succumb to the allure of a few extra minutes of shut-eye. (And who can blame you?)

Distractions Galore: Meditating in bed makes it difficult to escape the distractions that can creep into your peaceful moments. From the pile of unfolded laundry at the foot of the bed to the buzzing smartphone just within arm’s reach, there are countless potential interruptions that can disrupt your focus and derail your meditation practice.

Mental Association: Over time, our brains develop associations with different environments and activities. If you regularly meditate in bed, your brain may begin to associate being in bed with the practice of meditation. This can make it challenging to separate your meditation time from your sleep time, leading to drowsiness and difficulty in maintaining focus.


So, is meditating in bed a lazy person’s paradise or a legitimate practice? The answer is not a straightforward one. Meditating in bed can be a great option for beginners or for those who struggle with establishing a consistent practice. It offers comfort, convenience, and can easily be fit into your morning routine. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential pitfalls – the temptation to snooze, the distractions, and the mental association with sleep. If you find yourself consistently struggling to stay focused or feeling drowsy during your meditation practice in bed, it might be worth exploring different environments and dedicated spaces to enhance your mindfulness journey.

Ultimately, the goal of meditation is to cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and inner peace – whether you choose to do it in bed, on a cushion, or in a dedicated meditation room is entirely up to you!